Miguel Arrested in L.A


Miguel, is an American recording artist, songwriter and producer. Signed to Jive Records in 2007, Miguel released his debut album, All I Want Is You, in November 2010.His famous songs are How Many Drinks?, Sure Thing, Do You, Candles In the Sun and Quickie.

Adorn and Beautiful are his hit songs. He sung Beautiful with Mariah carey.

Miguel was arrested for DUI. According to Law enforcement Miguel was flagged by the California Highway Patrol officers. Twenty seven years old singer was in 2013 BMW X6. He was in speed and windows were tinted. Officers get to know that he is drunk. It was 2:15am and Miguel was arreted. After few hours he was released on $5000 bail.

It is not ended. Miguel has to appear in court in September. He was charged for over speed and because he was drunk-ed.